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Mindfulness-Based Eight Week Course
This evidence-based 8-week course, closely follows the original course developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn but with some additions from the MBCT curriculum.


It includes eight, two and a half hour sessions taught over eight weeks as well as a silent day retreat, course notes and audio guide, with a commitment to daily practice throughout the course of up to 45 minutes per day.


This course is ideal for those new to mindfulness practice and those who want to re-connect with and deepen their practice with the support of a group, structured programme and course instructor.

Cesare Saguato Mindfulness-Based Eight Week Course Cesare Mindful Therapy Medway Kent UK
Mindfulness based cognitive therapy for depression course

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
The evidence-based 8-week course, originally developed by Professors Segal, Teasdale

and Williams to aid prevention of relapse of depression.  It combines MBSR with understandings and techniques from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)


It includes eight, two and a half hour sessions taught over eight weeks as well as a silent day retreat, course notes and audio guide, with a commitment to daily practice throughout the course of up to 45 minutes per day.


This course is often taught within the NHS and other organisations working with mental health, depression and anxiety.

Mindfulness in the Workplace Finding Peace in a Frantic World Cesare Mindful Therapy Medway Kent UK

Finding Peace in a Frantic World

The 8-week course for adults based on the best-selling book by Professor Mark Williams and Dr Danny Penman. 


This course includes eight, 90 minute sessions taught over 8-weeks and uses the course material and audio guide in the book Finding Peace in a Frantic World.  There is also a commitment to home practice of up to 20 minutes per day throughout the course.


This course is ideal for those who are new to mindfulness practice and have time constraints.  For this reason it translates well into work place settings to help with staff well-being and continual professional development.

Mindfulness in schools project | trained to teach logo

.b Foundations
This 8-week course has been designed by the Mindfulness in Schools Project. It is based on the Finding Peace in a Frantic World curriculum but has been tailored for adults working in educational contexts. 


This course includes eight, 90 minute sessions taught over 8-weeks and is tailored to the educational setting.  There is also a commitment to home practice of up to 20 minutes per day throughout the course.

Mindfulness-based compassionate living (MBCL)

Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL)
This evidenced-based 8-week course has been designed by Erik van den Brink and Frits Koster. It is offered as a way to deepen mindfulness practice for those who have already completed an 8 week MBSR/MBCT course and explicitly focuses on the cultivation of compassion in life for self and others.


This course includes eight, two and a half hour minute sessions taught over 8 weeks as well as a silent day retreat. The course book includes comprehensive notes, references and links to all the worksheets and audio guides, with a commitment to home practice of up to 45 minutes per day throughout the course.

Cesare Saguato RUN:ZEN Mindful Running Wellbeing Cesare Mindful Therapy Medway Kent UK



RUN:ZEN offers immersive workshops, modules, courses and retreats inspired by the MBSR and MBCT curricula. They teach mind-body awareness in stillness and movement, enabling the act of running to become a medium through which mindfulness can be established for greater all-round physical and mental well-being.  The many lessons and benefits that emerge from mindful running are then actively translated into daily life.

Other Experiences


Bespoke Courses, Taster Sessions, Workshops, Refresher Days and Retreats to suit

you or your organisation's needs, can be arranged on request.

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